
Half-breed citizenship

Mon Jun 30 13:36:48 PDT 2003

Athyras are obviously calling birds, issolas are swanish (though seven
orcas swimming works too), I'd put phoenix in for partridge but Paarfi's
better...  Twelve drummers dreaming?  annoying?  Six Jheregs slaying?

On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:

> > At the turn of the cycle my true love gave to me,
> > A Paarfi in a pear tree.
> > (to be continued if I am allowed to live)
> Hehehehe.....  Please do, but you can't stop at
> twelve; ya have to go to seventeen, of course. <grin>
> Chris
> "Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and
> everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
> tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
> son."
>  - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm