Just a reminder that what Paarfi reports as a brief conversation is likely to last for an hour... On Sat, 12 Apr 2003, Mark A Mandel wrote: > [Jessica] > #> "The Sorceress studied him, then abruptly sheathed her > #> sword and made a certain motion with the fingers of her > #> left hand. Upon seeing this, Pel, his eyes widening > #> slightly, made a similar yet different motion with the > #> fingers of his left hand, after which the Sorceress said, > #> 'Follow me, then, my lord Galstan.'" > # [...] > #> So it seems the Yendi use hand signals to identify > #> themselves to one another. > #> > #> So what information is contained in the signals? Rank, > #> maybe? If it was just a house identifier, presumably the > #> signals would be the same. > > [Gaertk] > #Its definately a House identifier, but I don't think it gives > #rank. I don't think Yendis have ranks (other than titles), > #and if they did, I doubt they would tell them to strangers > #(especially strangers from their House; these are Yendi, > #after all). > > I disagree in part. Imagine a real-world situation: Mr. A is traveling > in a country far from his own, where a different language is spoken. On > the street he sees a stranger, Ms. B, whom he guesses to be from the > same country (by facial appearance, the tune she's whistling, a piece of > jewelry... it doesn't matter). He approaches her and asks in his native > language where he can find a "Homelandish" restaurant. Her first > reaction is surprise at hearing what is indeed her mother tongue, and > then she tells him that she's on her way to a Homelandish restaurant. > > What would a non-Homelandish observer report? "He said something I > couldn't understand. Her eyes widened, then she said something similar > but not quite the same." Very much like Paarfi's report. > > The question is not in itself a recognition signal, but it's a > vocalization that nobody would produce by chance or by trying to do > something else (e.g., ask "What time is it?" in some completely > different language). The "recognition signal" is the fact that it's in > Homelandish, supported by its appropriateness to the situation (unlike > the Homelandish for "I disagree in part" or "My father's delphinium has > the measles"). > > I'm not claiming that the SiG's and Pel's hand signals carried that much > meaning, or even as much meaning as a single word in a sign language*. > But gestures can be much more complex and meaning-bearing than they look > to an uninformed observer, and invented codes often assign complex > meanings to simple signals. Just imagining, for example: the SiG could > have made a single sign that meant "I am currently in service to someone > not of our House. If you have non-hostile business with that person, I > will assist you within the limits of my authority." And Pel's reply > could have meant "I am (also) currently in service to someone not of our > House. I have non-hostile business with your current master, and I > request your assistance with it." > > Amateur radio operators ("hams") use three-letter Q-signals in Morse > code to convey specialized meanings concisely. Here's an example from > http://spiffy.cso.uiuc.edu/~kline/Stuff/q-sigs.html : > > QSK? "Can you hear me between your signals and if so may I > break in on your transmissions?" > > QSK "I can hear you between my signals; break in on my > transmissions." > > * Sign languages: My doctoral dissertation was on certain aspects of > American Sign Language. I used to be able to converse in it, though > never fluently. > > -- Dr. Whom, Consulting Linguist, Grammarian, Orthoepist, and > Philological Busybody > a.k.a. Mark A. Mandel > http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/ > a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website > > >