
How does someone get a link to the Orb

Tue Jul 1 10:04:23 PDT 2003

This sounds a bit more like a Paarfi-Aliera dialogue to me - note that
iirc we don't see anything from an Aliera-oriented viewpoint in _FHYA_
except for a brief interlude probably thrown in to spice things up (and
probably clipped by one of the Brusts so the this-world edition would have
a wider readership.)  "Can I... " - "No", while a limited correspondence,
is not fascinating, so Paarfi's either lying (known these days I believe
as "exaggerating") or well on his way to newtdom.

It seems to me that Sethra might well recognize the value to the Empire of
a certain dissemination of historical knowledge.  On the other hand, a
recent survey of Americans supposedly found that a large section of the
country believes that WMDs have not only been found in Iraq, but were
actually used on our forces - and we're still doing fine, so here's a
raspberry to historical knowledge.

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Jose Marquez wrote:

> Philip Hart wrote:
> >
> > from whole cloth in the non-fatal reception of the novel.  And I think
> > Sethra's agreeing to correspond with him represents evidence that he has
> > some chops worth respecting.
> I still stand behind Damien's interpretation of Paarfi claiming a brief
> but fascinating correspondence with Sethra:
> >
> > "Will you do me the honor of answering some small questions about certain
> > events concerning the Interregnum?"
> >
> > "No."
> Jose
> --
> Jose Marquez
> jhereg69 at earthlink.net