
started rereading _TPotD_

Fri Jul 11 10:22:58 PDT 2003

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, lazarus wrote:

> >I thought that the soul in blackwand was M's high priestis/teacher as
> >their relationship is quite close and he is already very protective
> >of her.
> >
> >
> >jaa
> That's another quite strong possibility, but we have no idea.  All we
> know is that Blackwand is bloodthirsty and loves raging battles and
> has a strong sorcerous element, which sounds a great deal like
> Tazendra.  Also, Blackwand is Morrolan's familiar, which sounds like
> his high priestess.  So I dunno.

"A strong sorcerous element" doesn't sound like Tazendra - maybe
"a useful but otherwise pedestrian sorcerous element".  Also she's not
really bloodthirsty, is she?  Blood certainly is a side-effect of her
personality, but it is not imho an end in itself for her.

I vote for Arra-in-the-sword, because Tazendra belongs out in the world
and because Morrolan would have a better sense of humor if he talked to
Tazendra all day.