
started rereading _TPotD_

Fri Jul 11 14:01:00 PDT 2003

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Warlord wrote:

@> > > #Why do you think that Morrolan PUT the soul in the sword? The Great
@> > > #weapons were created long ago, with only Godslayer having been delayed
@> > > #by the gods themselves.
@> > >
@> > > Do we have textev for that?
@> >
@> > It seems to me simplest to imagine that Blackwand hasn't been lying around
@> > 200 millenia or so unsouled - if so, it's odd the gods would allow a
@> > powerful weapon against the Jenoine to not-rust unburnished, not to shine
@> > in use.  However, Pathfinder is bonded to Aliera though she didn't kill
@> > anyone (one hopes) to achieve the effect; note that Pathfinder doesn't
@> > have an apparent gender (_Issola_, Chapter 11) - maybe some GWs aren't
@> > human alloys.
@> I noticed this and it is why I think the soul in Pathfinder is Drien.

Why are we assuming that the souls in GWs stick around forever? It
wouldn't surprise me if they departed and were replaced periodically.