
started rereading _TPotD_

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Sun Jul 13 18:03:17 PDT 2003

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003, Philip Hart wrote:

#On Sun, 13 Jul 2003, Mark A Mandel wrote:
#> On Sun, 13 Jul 2003, Philip Hart wrote:
#> #It's 29 hours, according to some nice FAQ somewhere.
#> It's 30 hours, well attested. See my writeup at
#> http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/time.html#clock
#For the record, I was misquoting
#For the record, I think I could come up with reasonable arguments against
#your position - basically I'd say that you've simply asserted a D-minute
#equals an E-minute and trusted a variety of Brusts (or rather, trusted a
#particular set of writings of the Brusts over others).  Maybe _he_'s the
#one with the thing about 17 - and has systematically (more or less)
#mistranslated the Vladiad and the Paariad to suit, so 17^2 days = 1 D-year
#= 1 E-year results in the 30 hours figure.

Possible. When I first put that up, Steve wrote to me something to the
effect of "congratulations on unwinding the tricks I've been playing
with time". I can't find the email now.

#> After living on Dragaera for over 200,000 years, I rather imagine that
#> the humans (Easterners) have adapted well to the 30-hour day.
#Fair enough - I've fallen into the error of thinking humans aren't subject
#to selection pressure any more.  However, on the other hand I would
#imagine that the adaptations might not result in 30-hour circadian clocks
#- there could be societal adaptations, such as several sleep periods per
#day, or a willingness to not be up at dawn every day or to say farm by
#torchlight - which might be coupled with genetic changes...

Studies in our world have shown that people adapt better to a longer
cycle, like 28 hours, than to a shorter one, like 20.

#Incidentally, how bright is it beneath the enclouding?  Bright enough to
#farm, obviously, and for Eastern-adapted eyes to work fine - this seems

How long does it take for our eyes to adapt from bright sun to a
medium-lit room? We can handle a tremendous range of variation in

#> Just don't ask how Terran languages remain recognizeable over such a
#> span, and the Easterners haven't gotten past medieval tech. Just...
#> don't.
#Damn - too late - many times too late...  The former I've ascribed to "SB"
#taking some liberty in translation, the latter to Dragaeran depredations,
#the gods, and most of all the Cycle.


-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website