

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 17 10:11:29 PDT 2003

> I thought this was amusing:
>    There's a trick I like to pull on my friends. Standing in a large
>    city on an overcast night, I'll ask them to look down at the
>    sidewalk and tell me what color the sky is.  They invariably will
>    say black or, sometimes, dark blue.  Look up, I'll say.  And to
>    their astonishment the sky is neither black nor blue, but a dull,
>    smoky red - reflecting the orange glow of all those sodium and
>    mercury vapor streetlights.

As a former resident of San Francisco, this is entirely
accurate.  There have been times (though not every night)
when the sky above the City does have a strange orange cast
to it, and even though you can't see the moon or stars, the
sky is shockingly bright.

I didn't know it was because of the sodium and
mercury vapor streetlights, however.  That's kinda cool (or scary,
depending.  Are we sucking mercury vapor?).

Still looks cool, though, when the fog rolls along above your
head and it's not your normal white-fog color....:)

"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'