
everything can be found in Paarfi

Thu Jul 17 12:55:29 PDT 2003

> Re two recent issues, _FHYA_ pg 141 (ppb), Khaavren discusses the
> Briartown affair with Adron, who apparently moved 2000 soldiers 400 miles
> in 30 hours (13.3 mph), not far from the limit of 16 mph given the amount
> of time required for coordination.  If this involves a change of mount
> every 20 miles, that comes to 2k*20 or 40,000 horses.  Does that mean
> that Adron maintains that many horses along a particular path?  Or say
> along 10 paths leading 400 miles from Redface, for maybe 200k horses?

Wow, that's a lot of horses.  Alternative theory: maybe Adron's post
stations don't actually have spare horses -- but "horse insta-rest" 
spells.  If you want to explain why such a spell is not in wide use 
(assuming that it actually isn't), you might posit that it does long-term
damage to the horse(s) in question.  That would keep it from casual use,
or even regular official use, but certainly could be handy in an emergency.


Alexx Kay
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers
alexx at world.std.com
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