
everything can be found in Paarfi

Fri Jul 25 01:42:27 PDT 2003

> >ISTR that somewhere we hear that lineage goes through the same-sex
> >parent: mother to daughter, father to son.
> But Aliera and Adron are of the same lineage, aren't they? Although Aliera 
> E'Verra doesn't sound bad.

Ok, here is what I wrote about Devera:

>Devera's father is Kieron. This makes for an interesting family tree. 
>If you look at it from a physical perspective, Adron's ancestor is 
>Kieron. Adron is Aliera's father and Devera is Aliera's daughter. 
>So, since Devera is the daughter to her grandfather's ancestor, she's 
>probably her own cousin. It gets even more confusing if you look at it 
>from a soul perspective, as Aliera is Kieron's brother, which would 
>make Aliera her mother and aunt, and Kieron her father and uncle.

Aliera's soul is Adron's NgreatAunt (which is really a cousin)
although Aliera is Adron's daughter.

I'm convinced that Steven does this just so that anyone trying
to make a family tree will be immediately recognizable at some
Con as the the "Crazy Haired Cross-eyed Guy".

Personally, I chalk this up to things like "Time in the Paths"
and other things that are ambiguous, and are not meant to be
understood rationally, by either the reader or the author.

Jot Powers 	<books at bofh.com> 		http://www.bofh.com/books/
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