
_TLoCB_ - no spoilers yet

Thu Jul 31 16:38:49 PDT 2003

>From: Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
  I can't really see Pel
>actively working against his friends, or Zerika, for that matter.  So
>I don't see how the conflict forshadowed in Aerich's oddly-sent letter
>will unfold.

As I recall, Aerich actually either burned or ordered the letter to be 
burned, and I don't think that inplies that the letter was sent (through 
means mystical, after all, no Orb yet). After all, why send notice to a 
Yendi that you are preparing to oppose him? (In my humble recollection of 
the matter, and subject to that limitation)

James Griffin, Still Another Vlad faN

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