
Mario the Mystery

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 1 13:30:51 PDT 2003

> Actually, all the characters are Sethra in various incarnations, but at
> the core Sethra is actually a teenage girl who slipped and fell during her
> first foray into the world of bondage and as a result slipped into a coma.
> All the Vlad books are simply an external manifestation of her unconscious
> ramblings. When she wakes up, it all disappears in a poof of logic.
> Fortunately, there's a guy with a floopy hat standing by her bedside with
> a tape recorder and a brick.

Come, now.  That is totaly farfetched.

The hat isn't all *that* floppy....


"The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration
about it which the cheering influence of the
afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected 
to reproduce."
 ~ Oliver Wedell Holmes, Sr. - "Over the Teacups" (1891)