
while cursing amazon re the non-release of _TLoCB_

Mon Aug 4 23:16:14 PDT 2003

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, David Silberstein wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Philip Hart wrote:

> >I don't in retrospect understand how T could bother with one wimpy
> >Hawklord.


> ... No doubt her teacher(s) had impressed upon her that as a Dzur, she
> must always be aware how much better she was than the other Houses at
> fighting, but I can easily see her forgetting this in the excitement
> of her first true fight for her honor, which had, after all, been
> grievously insulted.

I don't see her as very excited.  Furthermore, if this is her first fight,
I would imagine she's thought about it as much as an old-fashioned woman
her first wedding and wouldn't allow the Hawklord caterer to, uhh.  Well,
you get my point.

> However, she easily defeated her opponent, and I suspect that as she
> pondered

Here I get stuck on explanation #1.

> The second time, though, she had a specific goal in not merely winning,
> but in addition, she wished to strongly impress the handsome young
> Hawklord who had happened to catch her eye.  Naturally, she wished to
> increase the odds against her so that her eventual success would be
> all the more impressive, so she suggested to her opponent that he
> gather some of his friends to help oppose her, no doubt casting
> amorous glances at her paramour all the while.

While I would agree re the glances, as it happens she didn't even manage
to draw her sword in this instance, using a flashstone instead (whether
this is acceptable in the Dzur code I don't care to speculate).  Also,
it's my feeling that this is simply her m.o. and indeed the standard Dzur
m.o., which they presumably imbibe with their tiger milk.

> The third explanation is one I believe you have heard me make before,
> which is to say, to keep in mind that all this is coming third or
> fourth hand from a narrator who does not so much apologize for his
> lack of complete accuracy, indeed, for his total unreliability, but
> rather, he unabashadly revels in it.  History, indeed!

Yeah, see my later post for a biased-Paarfi take on this particular point.
Care to join the Sethra&Aliera-framed-Mario camp?