
Mario the Mystery

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 5 09:51:26 PDT 2003


If he is, I think Aliera would have noticed at this
point, as I don't believe she shares Zerika's "thing"
for Easterners....<grin>

> so...I find myself out of the loop.  What recent titles has our esteemed 
> author released?  (I'm too broke to afford the hc copies, and am waiting for 
> paper back)
> Which is out, Paths of the Dead or Lord of Castle Black, or are they the 
> same book, or is one a series name and the other the specific title?
> And what is the "new" one?  Spirits in the wires? Does that concern 
> Adrilankha, despite it's non-adrilankan title?

As I didn't see anyone respond to this, I'll go ahead.

_The Viscount of Adrilankha_ is, technically, Steve's "newest" book,
however it's split up into three volumes--the first being _The Paths
of the Dead_, which came out last Novemeber, and the second being
_The Lord of Castle Black_ which is out sometime this month, and better
be soon, before I start traipsing around the Bay Area in a huff, mouthing
obscenities to any passerby who has the unfortunate luck to be near me.

If you'd like a listing, I suggest going to the following site, part
of the Cracks and Shards website, which is excellent:


This page lists books and ISBN numbers, which you can then give to
your independent bookstore to order them.  (What?)


"Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and 
everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
 - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm