
while cursing amazon re the non-release of _TLoCB_

Hans Schweitzer hans117 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 5 16:07:24 PDT 2003

<A reign lasts from 17^2 to 17^3 years = 289 to 4913.* 

At this same point they talk about the make up of the callendar.  This always surprised me, well just look at this.  30 hours in a day.  5 days a week.  17 weeks in a month.  17 months in a year.  (correct me if I got something wrong here.)  thats almost 4 earth years in a year.  (1445).  If you figure it in hours (I'm bored and had a calculator) its 1806.25 
24 hour periods in a year.  Does anybody else think this is a really long time?  even the "short lived" easterners have life spans 5 times greater than ours.  No real point here, just something I picked up the first time I read Taltos or whatever book this is in.  I probably mixed something up somewhere that will make me look stupid.  I lent my copy of Taltos to my step-brother so I couldn't check.  Anyone else care to verify this?

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