
Wherefrom LoCB ?

Thu Aug 7 08:41:30 PDT 2003

Is it possibly a distributor issue?  Does B&N have different deals
>> with different distributors from Borders?
>Yes, they do.  One of Borders features used to be their excellent deals
>with distributors, usually ensuring that they got theirs faster and more
>reliably than anyone else.  Whoever was managing that is long gone from
>that position, and their replacements have not been able to keep up
>the same quality.
As far as I know, B&N and Border's both use Ingram as a distributor, at
least in this area of Virginia.  However, I am also fairly sure thaty they
get shipments on different days and possibly use different trucking
companies, which may explain some of the discrepancies in deliveries of LoCB.

Emily (Waldenbook's Slave)