First of all, I must say that I have been off-line during the last week, so I had 181 messages that obviusly I haven't read. Sorry if anyone has addressed anyone directly to me. Change of subject. While waiting until I manage to get a copy of TLoCB i have reab Steven's fist novel, To Regin in Hell, and I guessed which house fits better to each one of the main characters. Here a spoiler alert may be needed, so here it is: SPOILER ALERT TO REIGN IN HELL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here are my proposals: - Yahwe: Phoenix (e'Tortaalik in fact). - Yeshua: Dragon. - Raphael: Issola. - Satan: Lyorn. - Abdiel: Yendi. - Mephistopheles: Jhereg or Yendi, I'm not sure. - Lucifer: Athyra. - Sith and its fellow whose name I do not remember: Teckla. - The whole thing of the illiaster and cacaostrum: Chaos and ancient sorcery. _________________________________________________________________ MSN Compras: Veinte tiendas personales abiertas todo el día.