
ah ha...

Tue Aug 12 14:14:03 PDT 2003

I believe I have solved the question of how many rulers any given reign can 
have, and that answer is: multiple.  It may be the case that only one ruler 
reigns before the cycle turns, but it's possible that that is a rarity, 
judging from this excerpt, which I will paraphrase.  It comes from _Yendi_ 
on page 64.

Basically, Vlad makes a comment that indicates that the only way to tell if 
a Phoenix is a reborn Phoenix is if they turn decadent at their reign or 

Now this doesn't immediately answer the question at hand, but it *implies* 
something that is almost irrefutable--the comment implies there is confusion 
as to the nature of the Phoenix Emperor, but that simply cannot be, if there 
is only one Emperor per reign.  Otherwise, the second consecutive Phoenix to 
rule would inevitably be the "reborn" one.  As it is, this indicates that 
there are successive "decadent" Phoenixes, and from there, we may 
extrapolate that there are consequently successive rulers in other houses 


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