On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, Curtis Haden wrote: > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > > Currently AFB... Already read LoCB and loaned it to cheap friend who is > to tight to go buy the damn thing himself...heh. When Fentor is > introduced in Jhereg, he is positively identified as Tsalmoth. Was he > Tsalmoth in LoCB, or did it say??? May just be my over-active > imagination, but I was left with a definate draconic impression of > Fentor. Of course this is assuming that Fentor is not another > Orlaan/Loraan 'mistake/oversight/outright confusing of the issue' by the > esteemable Mr. B. I find it inconsistent for the Fentor of _TLoCB_ to be identified with the F of _Jhereg_, because the latter (a Tsalmoth [_J_ pg 139], who had "been with M's security forces for over fifty years) is too subservient. That or I completely don't understand Dragaeran society. After playing an important role in the most important events in living memory, I'm sure F_tlocb would be a duke with a personal army. So I think you've just presented evidence that I should have had more faith in SKZB, because F_tlocb (aka F e'Mondaar) is in fact a Dragon and hence is not F_j.