
Great Weapons

Sat Aug 16 00:43:30 PDT 2003

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, Matthew Hunter wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 11:46:41PM -0700, Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> > My point was that PF was active enough for B to hold off an army/defy the
> > Empire all by himself.  B being assassinated isn't consistent with him
> > being bonded with PF, it's true, but he isn't an idiot either.
> Morrolan was assassinated while bonded.  Carrying a GW is not a
> get-out-of-death-free card.  Presumably you still need to be
> revivifiable.

It's hard to believe a professional would accept a contract on a
GW-wielder.  M was assassinated only because
a) he charged in blindly
b) the assassin got lucky (says Sethra)
c) it happened in _Jhereg_

I like g-o-o-d-f card.  In future I will be referring to GWs as goodf

> > > > This point is rather a sore one for me - it seems to me
> > > > he should have had more visible effects in the Vladiad and Paarfiad.
> > > Vlad would have no way to know much about Baritt -- he doesn't
> > > travel in those circles.  Paarfi has said little, but then there
> > > are many subjects and events concerning which he has said little.
> > > Note the little nitpick about the second Jhereg-Dragon war in
> > > PotD.
> > Vlad knows something about history.  And he's curious.  And he has a
> > personal grudge with the guy.  And he's buddies with a bunch of
> > chatty Dragons, one of whom worships B in a way that is hardly consistent
> > with a low-profile kind of guy.
> And his memory has been fucked with in some respect relevant to
> that campaign.  In addition, Vlad's interaction consists of
> little more than "I don't like him.  I will arrange for him to die."
> He didn't settle down and research the guy.

I think this doesn't address my points, which anyway have more to do with
the necessity for there to be a Baritt-shaped space in recent history,
which would make that history immensely eventful and clotted.

> > > ... success or failure in his attempt; their powers seem to be
> > > orthogonal to sorcery (Elder or otherwise), rather than
> > > complementary.
> > There are many counterexamples.
> I beg to differ.  We have seen Blackwand produce some pretty
> fireworks but we have little insight into how it has done so, or
> indeed whether it might have been Morrolan doing so himself in
> some of those instances.

See David Silberstein on this point.

> > > > On the subject, I would like to once again assert that Morrolan's taking
> > > > Blackwand into the Paths, when he fully expects to be staying, is an

[disagreements snipped]

> > mentioned the truth they'd filet him.  Note the Jenoine provided a chamber
> > pot - nice touch on their part.

Off-topic, if anyone gets an opportunity to hear David Sedaris's spiel on
the NPR radio program This American Life about StadiumPal (or something
like that), a device for beer drinkers who don't want to brave the
bathroom lines at football games, do - it's perhaps the funniest thing
I've ever heard.