
Tedious lapse

Sat Aug 16 14:19:18 PDT 2003

Rachel L. Ruhlen wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mia McDavid [mailto:mia_mcdavid at comcast.net]
>>It would certainly be dreary for a human to have a lover that took ill
>>and died every few decades; one would then have to find his
>>reincarnation and wait for it to attain adulthood; a most tedious lapse.
>This reminds of a story or movie I read or saw. I only remember it vaguely.
>Maybe someone else would recognize it? The main character made a foolish vow
>at some point not to die until he had made good for a mistake he made that
>had resulted in the death of his beloved, and ended up tracking her soul
>every time she died, and hadn't yet succeeded in rectifying his error. Orson
>Scott Card, maybe?
 From your description, I thought of Star Trek. I don't know if it was 
in a movie (none come to mind) or in an episode, but I seem to recall 
similar circumstances being central to the plot of whatever it was. 
Hopefully there's someone on this list that can remember better than I 


Jose Marquez                       \  Cthulhu 2004
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