
while cursing amazon re the non-release of _TLoCB_

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Mon Aug 18 17:59:13 PDT 2003

On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, David Silberstein wrote:

#On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Mark A Mandel wrote:
#>On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, David Silberstein wrote:
#>#I don't see why "petroleum" would be a mistranslation since it
#>#just means "rock-oil" in Latin.
#>Latin form of a Greek word, but who's counting?
#Not that I'm trying to out-pedant anyone, but:
#"Petra" is Greek, but "oleum" is purely Latin (or so sayeth the OED).
#So it's a Latin combined word containing a Greek root & a Latin one.
#Quod erat demonstratum, res ipsum loquitur, et quidquid latine dictum
#sit altum viditur.

Nicely pointed out and well put. (Except it should be "res *ipse*
loquitur"; "res" is feminine, as in "res publica" ~~ 'public business',
the etymon of "republic".)

-- Dr. Whom, Consulting Linguist, Grammarian, Orthoepist, and
   Philological Busybody
   a.k.a. Mark A. Mandel