> That introduction was informative. I had been getting ready to write a theory about overcast because I didn't remember it being called pollution in any of the books. The only thing that stopped me was that I've had that theory for so long I couldn't be sure it wasn't in any of the books. Well at least I was right (but its more fun to be wrong) ... Anyone know how I can get a copy of Dzurlord? Bookfinder.com usually has some copies for $10+shipping. Mint copies apparently go for up to around $50, but I wouldn't recommend it. The bulk of the book is certainly non-canonical, and SKZB has just apparently thrown doubt as to how canonical one can consider his introduction (which is available on-line anyways). Alexx Alexx Kay Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers alexx at world.std.com http://world.std.com/~alexx "As I see things, the underlying spiritual landscape of all the world's religions and belief systems is the same territory, just as a canine quadraped is essentially the same animal the world over, whether we choose to label it 'chien' or 'hund' or 'dog'. As with dogs, so too with gods. [...] I see all these forms as being languages, while I see magic as being more akin to linguistics, the science of languages." -- Alan Moore, in correspondence with Dave Sim about _From Hell_