
Ugly words.

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Tue Aug 19 11:30:24 PDT 2003

Mark A Mandel wrote:
> Well, he DID, so obviously he CAN. But I would prefer "ambiguate", as
> Pamela has already commented. I'm not familiar with "ambiguate", but
> "disambiguate" has been in my technical vocabulary (linguistics) since
> grad school. It has my vote for one of the ugliest but most useful words
> I know.


Ugly, yet almost entirely useless.  Of course it's used quite commonly
among software folks, particularly those with advanced degrees, who should
really know better.

And don't even get me started on "functionality."  Argh.
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com	http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/