
[SPOILERS] Dumas parallels and a wild theory

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Tue Aug 19 12:49:35 PDT 2003

Matthew Hunter <matthew at infodancer.org> writes:

> I think this is a fair criticism.  We haven't really had any 
> truly menacing characters in Dragaera.  Personally, I would like 
> some, though it might substantially change the tone of the 
> series.  Maybe Vlad needs a recurring antagonist?  The Jenoine 
> might be slated to fill this role, but I don't think they would 
> do it necessarily well.

I dunno.  I think Sethra, and Aliera, and Morollan, and Vlad are
*really* menacing character.  *I* sure wouldn't want to argue with
them about anything too important.
David Dyer-Bennet, <dd-b at dd-b.net>, <www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
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