
Lord of Castle Black

Wed Aug 20 08:56:31 PDT 2003

Spoiler space inserted

> Loved all of it until the end.
> I don't care what careful plot twist is necessary in order to have Piro be
> in the company of bandits for the next book.  There is no way that the son
> of Khaavren could turn against his own character, his friend the Empress,
> the dignity of the respected personages he had encountered, and turn bandit
> just because he had too few funds and his father wouldn't let him marry the
> dzur.

He is young, male, in love, and thwarted in that love. Such persons are 
not known for their exceedingly rational behaviour.  He may well come to
regret his hastiness, but I find it a plausible course of action.


Alexx Kay
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers
alexx at world.std.com
The job situation is so bad, I saw an engineer carrying a sign:
 "WILL WORK FOR FOOLS".     -- Chris Jarocha-Ernst