
Great Weapons (was Possible spoilers for _Sethra Lavode_ (was Re: Dumas))

Beth Friedman bjf at wavefront.com
Wed Aug 20 14:18:30 PDT 2003

In our previous episode at 04:00 PM 8/20/03, Steven Brust wrote:
>At 11:02 AM 8/19/2003 -0500, pddb at demesne.com wrote:
>>On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 01:26:06AM -0700, Steven Brust wrote:
>> > Mark?  Pamela?  Can he say that?
>>Sure, as long as he's being whimsical about it.
>Okay, I can accept that.
>Has it occurred to you lately what a perfect, and perfectly wonderful word 
>"whimsical" is?

Might even make a good word to use in one's family motto.

Beth Friedman / bjf at wavefront.com
There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary, and 
those who don't.