
Tolkien Elves vs. Tolkien Men

Thu Aug 21 00:01:35 PDT 2003

>without getting too much into Tolkien, I can tell you for certain 
that elves 
>and humans in Ea are pretty much the same height.  I once was in 
an argument 
>wherein I argued that elves were taller than humans.   It was 
proven through 
>textev that I was wrong, wrong, wrong.  I don't forget these 
things. :/

Ergh.  Well, you've got the exceptions.  Thingol, f'rinstance, was 
somewhere in the area of eight feet and change, but perhaps that 
was only because he was SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEcial.  For the most 
part, the difference between Elves and Men wasn't really 
heightwise.  Unless one counts Eldarin wings.  </TROLL>

I believe it is in _Unfinished Tales_ where it is pointed out that 
Galadriel and Celeborn, both considered heighty types among both 
Elves and Men, were six foot four.
