
Aerich Lives

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Mon Aug 25 19:08:46 PDT 2003

Smed <smed51 at yahoo.com> writes:

> Delurking from the list......

Welcome!  (but shouldn't that be *to* the list?)

> I've been speculating about whether or not Tazendra, Pel and Aerich
> survive to Vlad's time. This evening I was reading LoCB for the second
> time and noticed something interesting. On page 111, Paarfi talks about
> the return of the Orb stating "To others, such as Aerich, this
> connection came, but a little more slowly: he reports that he knew at
> once what had happened....
> Note the present tense: Aerich reports. This implies that Aerich is
> alive at the point that Paarfi wrote the story.

I don't think so; I think it implies that Aerich was alive at the time
that he "reported" -- and that report could have been a written letter
that later came into Paarfi's hands.  I don't think it tells us
anything about Aerich's lifespan. 
David Dyer-Bennet, <dd-b at dd-b.net>, <www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
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