
Auden, Fenton re "gya", and a _TLoCB_ spoiler

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Thu Aug 28 01:58:26 PDT 2003

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Alexx S Kay wrote:

><Auden snipped>
>> I don't know if this has been commented on yet, but at the end of
>> _TLOCB_ Chapter 64, Grassfog and Iatha have a conversation about
>> "the social niceties" and belonging.  It occurs to me that while
>> Grassfog is probably male (pg.  161), and at least one of Thong
>> and Iatha is probably female (pg. 131), there's a fair chance that
>> Grassfog and Iatha are a same-sex couple. And maybe we have met
>> others who grammar veiled.
>Fascinating.  I *had* taken that conversation to be about "reformed 
>bandits will never *really* be accepted," but your reading makes
>better sense.  Of course, they might just be a mixed-house couple, 
>which would be, in some senses, simpler.  But it wouldn't be as Cool, 
>so by Brust's writing principles, I think there's a very good chance 
>that you're correct.

But you could also go back and check when Grassfog & Iatha are
introduced, when they have slid down the ropes, and see that Grassfog
is male and Iatha is female.  So the are almost certainly just a
mixed-house couple.

Although -- I note that their Houses are not mentioned, or even
guessed at.  Perhaps they themselves are in fact the *offspring* of
mixed house couples.  As crossbreeds, they would definitely be
personas non grata in the officially civilized parts of the Empire.