
floating castles

Sun Aug 31 12:35:28 PDT 2003

> > > I'm curious. I may be wrong, as a matter of fact it is quite possible
> > > that I am, but I think I will ask my question anyway. So, here it is:
> > > if sorcery was limited before the Interregnum( limited, that is, as
> > > compared to after the ascension of Zerika the Fourth) in such a way as
> > > to require citizens to travel by foot or horse or wagon or what have
> > > you, and it was common for Dragonlords of the e'Drien line to have
> > > floating castles, how would one get from the ground to said castle and
> > > back again? Once again, I may be wrong but I was under the impression
> > > that teleportation was a relatively new skill, even for the likes of
> > > Sethra Lavode.
> >
> > >Rope ladders.
> >
> > I find your eloquent, though brief, explanation more plausible than you
> > might have thought.  All other transportation thus far, before the
> > return of the orb, and as well before the Interregnum, with certain
> > extreme circumstances aside, was manual, that is to say without the use
> > of sorcery.
> Re transport, the expense of procuring the services of a sorcerer would
> have ruined any pre-Interregnum shipping firm ("Put a lightness spell on
> this box of dried kethna."  "Ok, that'll be one Orb".  Later:  "Remove the
> lightness spell on this box of dried kethna."  "Ok, that'll be one Orb".)
> Re "floating" - I agree that I wouldn't want to levitate a mile up - but
> who says the castles were that high?  It seems more likely to me that they
> were perhaps a hundred meters up - enough to make a nice crunch when
> falling but not so high that the average noble guest or the assisted
> (by magic, ropes, or both) Teckla staff would get wind-buffeted or dizzy
> or frozen on the way up.  The parties certainly would have been exclusive
> and the zing of levitating a hundred meters would help break the ice...

Is it just me having skimmed too quickly through the thread?

I would think that if you can levitate a castle you can levitate a rowboat
or a barge or a platform or something?

Maybe even some gaudy carpet...
