ORCA SPOILER If that's kiera, then why is she wielding such a massive, brutal looking sword? What thief doesn't use daggers? And hasn't kiera "never killed before"? I can only hope that it's Tazendra, or, knowing the artist's tendency for over-dramatizing figures, and, depending on how far into the Vladiad the book goes (if at all), it could be Norathar. That would explain why she's got one foot placed oh-so-casually on the Phoenix throne. <absurdity>Again, it could be one of the Jenoine. Or maybe even Verra. Hey, why not make it Cawti? *she's* relevant to the storyline....Ooo Zerika perhaps? </absurdity> Jon _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus