
_SL_ cover Defense

Wed Oct 1 09:46:13 PDT 2003

<<<snippage of lots of complaints>>>

Something that people might consider when regarding the covers of these
books is who the 'Intended' Author is.

Remember, these are the 'Paarfi Romances'. As such, I think the covers have
been Very well done, as they reflect Paarfi's over-zealous interpretation of
his main Characters.

The fact that these books 'might' be considered the 'Trashy Romance Novels
of the modern Draegeran Age' is perfectly reflected in the style and design
of each of the three Covers.

For those who don't read trashy romance (or know someone who does), 99
percent of the time, the person on the Cover (Pre-Bird Fabio) hardly
represents even ONE Character in the book! The Cover of these books (and I
am sure that Paarfi uses the same motivation) are intended to 'catch the
readers attention, and get them to pick up the book'.

Don't get me wrong. I'm agreeing with what everyone else is saying about how
it looks nothing like Sethra, but I, for one, think that was the point.
Remember that in Draegera some people call these 'Historical Fiction', which
means that Paarfi may have a tendancy to imbelish a bit.

Just my two Orbs worth,
