
C. Sophronia Cleebers

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Fri Oct 3 11:50:22 PDT 2003

    (I sent this to the esteemed and noted philologist Dr. Whom
    on 18 Sep 2003, and, after receiving no response, I am
    assuming that the message had the misfortune to become lost
    in the aether, perhaps due to the problems with his Internet
    Service Provider [1] of which he complained recently here.  If
    the good doctor has in fact received this message, and has
    simply not had the time to respond to its contents, I humbly
    apologize for the redundant repetition of this duplicate
    missive, which I am also sending to the list in the faint
    hope that the mailing list might get through where my own
    mail server was not in fact able.)

    [1] I misspelled this originally, and one of the choices offered
    by my spool chucker was "Provoker".  Which seems equally
    appropriate, given the circumstances.

 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:56:34 -0700 (PDT)
 From: David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com>
 To: mam at theworld.com
 Subject: C. Sophronia Cleebers


 It happened to transpire that I desired to investigate more about the
name which appears above as the Subject: of this missive; given that
it appeared as the nom-de-plume of the writer of the afterword to
Paarfi of Roundwood's first volume of /The Viscount of Adhrilankha/,
which is also titled /The Paths of the Dead/.

Searching on "Sophronia" brought up far too many hits, but the phrase 
"Sophronia Cleebers" brought up only three hits.  One of them was in
fact for your webpage, whose Uniform Resource Locator is as follows:


On examining this page, I noted that you appear to have the copyright
on the afterword as belonging to Emma Bull.  As best as I can
determine from the copyright page to /The Paths of the Dead/, as well
as from comments from Mr. Brust himself on his personal web journal,
whose Uniform Resource Locator is as follows:


(please scroll down to the entry dated "Oct 11th 2002"), while the
excellent Ms. Bull does indeed have the copyright on the *prologue*,
the *afterword* is copyrighted to Teresa Nielsen Hayden, and while I
am sure that she is as noble and excellent as Emma Bull, I am also
sure that she is a completely different person.

Hoping that this will provide you with the necessary and sufficient
information to correct the attribution on your web page noted above,

I remain,
Davdi of Silverrock