
Sethra Lavode-the woman not the book

yaga at berkano.pair.com yaga at berkano.pair.com
Thu Oct 9 11:26:25 PDT 2003

I'll have to look for it, but somewhere in the first three books (was re-reading "The Book of Jhereg" collection
recently, so I'm not sure which) Sethra tells Vlad that she is a Dragon someone offhandedly when discussing
reincarnation and the initial schisms back then Keiron was still around.  Until I'd read this, I'd always thought that
Sethra was a half-breed.

> Personally I think she's both Dzur and Dragon Lord.
> GB
> In a message dated 10/9/2003 2:14:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> toubib21 at yahoo.com writes:
> > In doing some research for my website, I've come upon
> > some confusion about Sethra Lavode. What House is she?
> > In Path of the Dead they say her house is unknown. In
> > Five Hundred Years After, the Emperor says that she is
> > a Dragonlord. And it seems to me that every time she
> > is described, it's as if she has features of both
> > Dragons and Dzurs. So what do you all think is her
> > true background?
> > 
> > Benjamin
> > www.toubib.us