> i thought she was both? can't you fight your way into the dzur house? You can, but that only means you're part of the House; it doesn't mean you would show any physical features of the House, which is what has been mentioned in a few of the books. I tend to think she's a half-breed. I recall, somewhere, that back in Kieron's day, people didn't fuss as much about half-breeds. Then again, the Necromancer looks to be Dragaeran, and she's a demon, so ... who knows? Sethra's powerful enough, maybe she's altered her features and/or her genes? Hey, maybe she was born a Teckla and felt like trading up! Okay, maybe not.... ;) Chris "Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you in order to prove that it is, in fact, real." -Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'