
Sethra's House

Fri Oct 17 01:36:49 PDT 2003

If I recall correctly, it is in Issola, Chapter 14, page 217 of the paperback version in which Sethra Lavode says:
"If I ever have both of those at once, I'll consider my existence fulfilled and become part of the rock of Dzur Mountain again."
As for Sethra Lavode's geneology, consider Chapter 13 of Issola again, page 199 of the paperback version, which Sethra says:
"The Lavodes were created to to handle threats or potential threats to the Empire that were fundamentally non-military."
Couple those statements with other things, like the fact that Sethra's geneology scan looks like an arrow, and I think you can draw your own conclusions.  That one word, *created*, says a lot, doesn't it?
This, of course, does not mean that Steve, in one of his many "torture the reader" moods, might not decide to come up with parents, grandparents and an entire family for Sethra Lavode, out of the blue, just because he is verbally sadistic.  <grinz>  However, that is the what is known so far.
And no, I have not gotten my hands on the manuscript for the last volumn of "The Viscount of Adrilanka" yet, so I am only going by what I have put together from the published books.  <smiles>  I may change my mind after I have done page-proofs.
Sethra the Younger is a Dragon.  The Sorceress in Green is a Yendi.
*Owned and Operated by the Grand Poohbah Cheese of the Universe*

bonham15 <bonham15 at cox.net> wrote:
ding!.. its been speculated that she is quite simply a part of dzur mountain
too.. it is she and she is it.. regardless he was around when kieron and the
band of merry souls now reincarnated were there.. and she was the one who
saw what "vlad" was going to do and did not move to stop it. the only thing
that really sticks in my mind was her musing about the chance to go to sleep
again at some time. memory of where escapes me.


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