
Sethra Lavode-the woman not the book

Sat Oct 18 07:16:05 PDT 2003

Toubib <toubib21 at yahoo.com> wrote: 

Yes. 500 years after(paperback) Page 103, paragraph 2,
line 4.


That would be 500 Years After, Hardback copy, page 98, paragraph two, line 4.  <laughs>


It is interesting to note that the paragraph previous to that states:


"The earliest authentic records of Sethra predate the founding of the Lavodes, and consist of a rough drawing of her device, which appears to have remained unchanged throughout her life, consisting of a white Dragon's Head and Dzur Claw against black--unquestionably the simplest device in use at the time, and the most unadorned on record from any time, saving only the Silver Sword on Black of the most ancient line of Kieron the Conqueror himself."


Since also in that chapter, Paarfi  tells how Sethra was a *living* woman during both the Iorich Reign of the Fourth Cycle AND the Dragon Reign of the Fourteenth Cycle, becoming undead sometime after that, well, I don't think we'll ever know where she came from, unless Steve decides to be very nice and have her tell us.  My recollection is that each reign must last a minimum of 289 years (please correct me if I am in error) and that the average lifespan of a Dragaeran is 2000 years.  Add up ALL those reigns and , well, that's a whole lot of years, at least 5 times the normal lifespan.  And she didn't die until AFTER that?  


In 500 Years After, Sethra is claimed to be pre-historic.  I believe it is in Dragon (again, I could be wrong) that she is claimed to be pre-Empire, but I am not sure I believe that as we all know how Vlad tends to lie a bit.

In any case, she *could* be one of the ancient progenitors before the Houses.  She could be of one of the now extinct Houses.  Heck, she could be half Jenoine.  <chuckles>  Unless Steve decides to let that secret out, we shall remain in the dark.  <smiles>




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