

Gomi no Sensei gomi at speakeasy.net
Tue Oct 21 13:00:42 PDT 2003

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, roger n. tospott wrote:

> David Silberstein writes:
>   Hawk, Lyorn, Dzur, Tiassa, Iorich, Tsalmoth, Chreotha, Vallista,
>   Jhegaala, The Final Contract
>   Any guesses as to which one it is, and when it occurs?
> My guess: it'll be _Tiassa_, and it'll involve Khaavren.

I'm definitely interested in Tsalmoth, Chreotha, Vallista, and Jhegaala,
as these are the animals and Houses about which we know the least.

vvv had this sig for months, back in the day vvv
"I wanted to feel that tug of a body as it jerks and kicks while I hold
the handle and the life erupts from it like water from the cold springs
of the Eastern Mountains. That's what I wanted, and what you want makes
you who you are." - Steven Brust, Teckla