
Pronunciation Guide

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Tue Oct 21 16:53:19 PDT 2003

"David Dyer-Bennet" <dd-b at dd-b.net> writes:

> The other issue is putting sound clips on our site.  I've 
> got working WAV and MP3 clips up for a tiny sample of 
> words, and so far nobody has suggested that any other 
> format is really widespread or greatly superior for this 
> use, so I'm leaning so far towards just providing those 
> two, linked as they are in my sample at
> <http://dragaera.info/encyclopedia/data/pg-test/>.  Anybody 
> with sound for whom those don't play?  Anybody know a way 
> to make them play directly in more browsers (right now it 
> seems very browser-dependent whether they just play, or pop 
> up another page with the player)? 

I consider the "pop up another page" to be a feature in this
case, since that page will have controls, esp volume.  As far
as I can tell, there are no standards on volume (or no one is
paying attention to them).  On my system, the final result is 
dependent on at least 4 separate controls (the app, Windows, speaker knob, and one wierd one (maybe part of the sound 
card) that I can only change through Real Player).
