
Writing tools

Thu Oct 23 11:09:06 PDT 2003

     You have actually hit it right on the nose about why Steve likes Emacs.  Mousework actually disrupts the "flow" of his writing, in addition to driving him batty.  It is unfortunate that I can't support that for him (sorry David!), but truthfully, I have never worked in it, having done most of my coding in notepad.  <chuckles>
     Right now, I have him on Star Office for printing and page lay-out, which he claims is working fine for him.  It is helpful in that it is good about converting documents to several different formats, including Word and Word Perfect, for those in the industry that don't have several million different word processing programs.
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Pete Flugstad <pete.flugstad at icon-labs.com> wrote:
But it doesn't do graphics and it doesn't do page layout. It doesn't 
(or at least not that I'm aware of) have anything like Master pages 
and the like in Frame. In fact, the concept of pages is pretty much 
ignored - you let LaTex (or whatever layout system you're using) 
handle that, just focus on the text - which is probably why Steven 
likes it. It's fast and fairly simple to use and stores it's 
documents in plain text format. Everything can be done with the 
keyboard, so no mouse is needed (or wanted really). It blends well 
with things like LaTeX for document prep. But it's not WYSISYG.

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