
Concerning Names

Trevor Fiatal trevor at fiatal.net
Fri Oct 24 14:55:30 PDT 2003

David Silberstein wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Trevor Fiatal wrote:
>>David Silberstein wrote:
>>>   Pronunciation: kee-a-rawn, kee-ran.
>>>   Alternates: Ciaran, Kiaran, Kieren, Kieran, Kieron, Keiran.
>>My youngest (6 weeks old) son's middle name is Kieran.
> Well then, congratulations!  Which way do you pronounce it?

Neither of the above, actually: keer-an.

>> I tried for Kieron, but the wife was adamantly against that.
> Why did she object to the one vowel difference?  It *is* an accepted
> variant...

Interestingly, I couldn't prove that at the time -- the baby name 
resources we used failed to list the 'o' variant.  Ultimately, it came 
down to her aesthetic sense for names, and Kieran it was.

I'm holding off telling her exactly *why* I selected that name, at least 
for a few months.  Then again, I know people whose parents named them 
after characters on popular television programs, so picking a name from 
the Dragaera mythos is something of a step up.  :)


Trevor Fiatal -- trevor at fiatal.net