
Queston for Steve

Sat Oct 25 06:47:21 PDT 2003

at your local library, there will be almost step by step guides on how to
get music published, much like there are semi useful guides on how to get
your stories published... this magical tome will have addresses of 'song
vendors', agents etc etc... if your local library doesn't have one, hit your
local college library or bookstore.. one strong word of advice that probably
many in this list will be able to tell you from sending off stories to
agents/publishers.. prepare to have your ego whacked down faster than a rat
on an episode of sopranos.  most likely you will be rejected, several times,
before you get a song in to someone and get it recorded/published unless you
already have a track record (in which case you don't need us, now do you...

ps forgive my lack of punctuation, sentence structure etc etc. i'm *really*
not awake and just a  shade hung over at the moment. i've found running into
old friends will sometimes induce that condition.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Silberstein" <davids at kithrup.com>
To: "Dragaera List" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 2:31 AM
Subject: RE: Queston for Steve

> On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Angie Jackson wrote:
> >-----Message-----
> >
> >Sending a song where?  To Steve?  To the list?
> >rone
> >---------------------------------
> >Oh, no. Nothing like that. I want to send it in to someone who may
> >pay me. Biills and Taxes and all that.
> >
> You wish to send in a song to someone who may pay you, yet who is
> not Steve or someone on the list?
> Then why are you asking Steve, and the list?
> You perceive, it is confusing.  Perhaps you have left something out.
> Is this famous song already written, scored and recorded?