
Pronunciation Guide

Randi128 at aol.com Randi128 at aol.com
Thu Oct 30 10:52:43 PST 2003

SKZB wrote:
>And speaking of records, what you reminded me of was when I was doing my CD,
>"A Rose for Iconoclastes."  The tune "She's Gone" was making me crazy.  We
>had down the entire vocal track, except that every single time I reached for
>the high note (The first and third "She's gone" in each chorus) I missed it.

>Eventually, Sara Diedrich, who was doing the vocal coaching for me and who
>is also opera trained, leaned into the talkback mic and said, "Don't sing
>'She's gone.'  Sing 'She's gun.'"

>I did, and not only did I nail the note, but it *sounded* like "gone" not

So that explains why lyrics are so hard to figure out from listening to the 
record, (or CD as the case is in the year 2003.) 

"  'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.  ", Jimi Hendrix
" And theres a wino down the road ",  Robert Plant, Led Zepplin, stairway to 

John D. Barbato, OD