
All Hallow's Eve

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 31 13:01:29 PST 2003

> Geeze, shouldn't you people be out getting ready for Tricking or Treating, or 
at least Drinking and Treating?

Hey, I've got my All Hallow's T-Shirt on!  Cute little
Cthulhu, looking sad, saying "The other Gods won't play
with me."

That's pretty Halloweeny, right?

> And here I thought I was the only one stuck at home until later one when all 
my 'responsible' friends get off work~

<sigh>  Nope.  Fiscal Month-End, and all: I'm chained
to the desk until They tell me I can leave.  

Da bastads!  And on my second-favorite holiday, too....

'Least I know I have the list to keep me company.


"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'