
Some thoughts on the Orb

Mon Nov 3 17:13:28 PST 2003

On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 17:12, bonham15 wrote:
> must kill this one... the reason sorcery got so advanced was simply this...
> people had essentially been lifting sorcerous weights during the
> interregnum, trying to do fractions of what they could before... the people
> themselves had more knowledge due to the intense period of study etc etc...

Unfortunately, that doesn't make sense.  You're saying that when the Orb
went away it was like lifting boulders without using a lever and fulcrum
and instead lifting by hand.  So when the level/fulcrum were usable
again, they were able to lift much bigger boulders with them.  But
that's not what it was like.  It's like going from lifting boulders with
your arms to suddenly not having any arms.  No matter how much you try
to adjust, you're not going to do anything except hurt yourself as you
uselessly throw your body against the boulder.[1]

[1] The exception of course being those who switched to Elder sorcery,
but based on what we saw in the books, I'm counting that as a negligable
