
Some thoughts on the Orb

Mon Nov 3 18:19:01 PST 2003

--- K Kuhn <kknolte at ecity.net> wrote:


> That's why I'm curious as to whether anything has
> been said about
> whether the Cycle was created, or by whom.  For
> instance, if it's the
> equivalent of an astrological chart, the Dragons (or
> whoever) might not
> like that the star-equivalent say they'll have
> rotten luck if they try
> to overthrow the Emperor now, but they probably
> won't be thinking about
> moving a few planets around so they *will* have good
> luck in such
> endeavours, given what the star-equivalents now say.
> OTOH, say the Cycle has this rotating Emperor-ship
> thing for the same
> reason the Iraqi governing council does - because
> when Kieron set up his
> Alliance of All the Tribes, each of the tribes
> thought they were the
> ones most suited for leadership.  In which case, the
> Cycle might have
> been set up at the same time the Orb was created,
> and by the same
> people.  And if you can hack the Orb if you know
> what you're doing, why
> couldn't you think you could hack the Cycle as well
> if you thought you
> were good enough?

As far as I can tell the Cycle is a big wheel on a
stone wall in the Path of the Deads. It's not a
physical representation, but the actually Cycle. And
the legend is that if you could forcefully move the
wheel, the the Cycle has turned, but you would have to
have enough power to move history itself. But no where
that I've read has it said who made the Cycle or how
it works.


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