
A thought concerning Skinter's future...

Mon Nov 3 20:11:40 PST 2003

This reminds AFB me that Vlad somewhere says Kragar is an entirely average
Dragaeran in appearance (no luck with the book search on average or medium
or typical) - while of course the typical Dragaeran looks like a Teckla.
It seems likely that the run-of-the-mill Teckla eats less well than the
nobility, gets worse health care, etc., and hence is shorter than Vlad's

On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Damien Sullivan wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 06:25:22PM -0800, Toubib wrote:
> > know about Kragar. Like I've yet to come across a
> > description of him other then he's 7' tall. I expect
> Taltos, Chapter 8:
> "Then I noticed that the House of the Dragon was so clearly marked on his face
> I couldn't understand how I'd missed it before...
> He was almost exactly seven feet tall, had medium straight brown hair, brown
> eyes, and well, really nothing else to distinguish him."
> -xx- Damien X-)