
Kragar (was: A thought concerning Skinter's future...)

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Wed Nov 5 00:02:46 PST 2003

On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Mark Englehart wrote:

>At 04:09 PM 11/4/2003 -0800, Philip Hart wrote:
>>Aliera wouldn't call Skinter a snake.  She wouldn't pull a
>>grift with him either...

Do you know, I'm not sure I understand what "pull a grift" means in
this context, nor when Aliera did so with Kragar.

>I have to find this one of the most compelling arguments.  Sethra the
>Younger could be forgiven for her plotting in Yendi because she was
>still playing within the rules: she was trying to get a good position
>within the empire, she was not acting against the empire itself. 
>Fighting against the re-establishment of the true empire is treason.

If the Empire doesn't exist yet, is it really treason?  It's not like
he swore any oaths of fealty to Zerika that he's going back on.

>Aliera would not deal with a traitor and Morrolan would not allow one
>in his house. 

*cough*.  Adron, rebel against the Emperor, and literally destroyer of
the Empire, aka Aliera's dear daddy & Morrolan's hero.  Mario,
murderer of the Emperor, and accessory to the destruction of the
Empire, aka Aliera's lover, and Morrolan's guest (although possibly
without Morrolan's knowledge).