
Kragar (was: A thought concerning Skinter's future...)

Thu Nov 6 23:58:43 PST 2003

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 01:28:27AM -0500, Malcolm wrote:
> Vlad's meeting with the Demon, Kragar's appearance when they investigate
> Loraan's "stash" .. I'd have to say that Kragar's "invisibility" is
> definitely not Vlad's humor, but more a real attribute ..

My guess is that Kragar's ability is psionics.  It explains a 
few things:

1) How it is a real phenomenon, and not a perception
2) How he knew Daymar

We know that Daymar used it on Vlad to change his perception
of Morganti weapons, to make them less...um...uncomfortable.

It seems to me that if Kragar was able to do this with himself
it would explain a lot.

He is, however evasive when asked about how he does it.  

Textev (from online, Jhereg, Chapter 10):

  Kragar had returned. "Would you mind telling me how you keep doing that?" 
  I asked. He smiled and shook his head in mock sadness. 

Jot Powers 	<books at bofh.com> 		http://www.bofh.com/books/
"I'm upping my standards, so up yours!" 
	-Pat Paulsen (1927-1997), Presidential Campaign Slogan