
Gods blood.

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 7 11:33:02 PST 2003

> Two separate facts that interest me.
> 1. You have to have gods blood flowing in your veins to leave the Paths of
> the Dead or not be Dragaeran.

I don't think that's completely true (though only the Gods
know for sure:).  I think there is some subtle mix of
circumstances that allow a living person to leave.  Godblood, sure,
and being an Easterner probably has an effect.  But I think the
Gods themselves have no small say in the matter.  From what I
remember, there are some limitations on what the Gods can do 
in the Paths, but I get the feeling that some of them (*cough* Verra! *cough*)
have the power to do more than they say, and that, if the Gods had
chosen to, they could have let Morollan leave without him getting his little
infusion.  (The Gods just didn't want to set yet *another* precedent
for people leaving when they really shouldn't.  I mean, Zerika is one
thing, and yeah, sure, Vlad's an Easterner and he's kinda cute in that
"short and whiskered" way, but they can't let *everyone* walk out, or
they might as well open the doors to the whole of Dragaera.)

On another thought:  I wonder what kind of training goes into
becoming a God.  Does one need to lift Planet-Weights?  Eat lots
of Wheaties?  Maybe you have to prove that you can be in more than
one place at a time and can't be controled.  Hmm....


"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'